T spheres® are innovative and unique self-massage balls born from over 15 years of research & development. This natural way to relieve pain from the …
Las Vegas
Therapist Appreciation Giveaway- Refer a Friend
It was so much fun Paying it Forward for you hard working Massage Therapists. I gave away 2 Yoga for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers 12 …
Pain in the Thumbs
Do you finish a massage and feel pain in your thumb joint? Later on you notice redness and inflammation? As a preventive measure, make sure …
Stabilizing the Lumbar Spine with Flying Table Pose
Flying Table Pose is a great exercise to activate the transverse abdominis (TA) and coordinate all abdominal muscles. To perform this exercise: Come to an …
Scapular Stabilization in Downward Facing Dog That Can Be Translated to Your Massage Tablework
The scapula is very mobile and allows the shoulder joint to have a wide range of motion and the ability to achieve complex actions. Since …