
RSI Prevention for Massage Therapists

Prevent RSI by rolling out tension and releasing adhesions. RSI is very common in the manual therapy field. It is important to take preventative measures by putting a self care routine in place.

It is especially important to keep the muscles flexible and free of adhesion. Micro tearing happens while you use your muscles and you must get proper nutrition and adequate sleep to repair your tissues. It is also important to relieve inflammation that has occurred during your day of work.

3 Ways to Help Prevent RSI:

  1. Perform Yoga hand stretching before and after work
  2. Utilize Hydrotherapy
    • Cryotherapy- 15-30 min with a ice pack or 3-5 min with an ice cup for ice massage.
    • Contrast bath 3 min hot to 1 min cold. Always end with cold
  3. Utilize T spheres® aromatherapy massage balls for Self-Care
    • Use rolling technique and direct pressure technique on the side and back of neck, pectoralis, upper arm, and forearm.
Finger Flexor
Finger Flexor
Finger Flexor Stretch- Put your left arm out in front of you with the elbow bent. Place your left palm up and grasp the index finger with your other hand. Stretch each finger toward your body and then switch to the other hand. Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds.

Finger Extensor
Finger Extensor
Finger Extensor Stretch- Put your left arm out in front of you with the elbow bent. Place your left palm down and grasp the index finger with your other hand. Stretch each finger toward your body and then switch to the other hand.

Yoga Pose for Hands



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