T spheres® Therapist Education – Conserve Your Energy and Prevent RSI. Massage Therapists and other manual therapists can earn CE credits and learn ways to relieve client’s muscle tension and save your hands.
Massage Therapists can utilize t spheres in  a variety of ways. A therapist  can use t spheres as a self-care tool and in session either with or without oil. These palm sized aromatherapy infused massage balls can be used for sports massage, chair massage, with a client that is clothed, or be utilized with oil during a massage session.
Online t spheres training and in session training for Spas is offered.

Online Training
Seminar for Spas


T Spheres Educational Trainings for SPA

1 Hour skype session and training video ( to be viewed by staff before online training)

3 Hour Spa Add On Training

Please inquire about spa trainings by emailing stephanie@tspheres.com



Karina Braun NCBMTB  T Spheres® Educator Get In Touch EducationYouTube Channel

T Spheres Acupressure Demonstration
T Spheres Direct Pressure Back Demonstration


T Spheres Rolling Technique Demonstration