Do you finish a massage and feel pain in your thumb joint? Later on you notice redness and inflammation? As a preventive measure, make sure …
Self Care

Stretches to Help Maintain Flexibility in the Finger Flexors and Extensors
Finger Flexor Stretch Put your left arm out in front of you with the elbow bent. Place your left palm up and grasp the index …

Massage Therapists Need to Train Like Athletes
Think of yourself as a massage athlete. Manual therapy demands skill, strength, and endurance, just like a track and field runner or baseball player. The …
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers®
Why learn Personal Body Maintenance? As a Massage Therapist you have to think of yourself as an athlete and train your body so it can …
Prevent Physical Burnout
In my years as a Massage Therapist, I have learned more about myself by helping other people. I have also learned that I have to …