
Sphere Therapeutix® is a hands on bodywork therapy that will help to create space in the body and reduce pain and tension through the use of pressure and traction with a 4″ air filled sphere combined with t spheres®, neuromuscular techniques, and stretching.

This type of bodywork will help to relieve tissue adhesion and muscle tension. Help your client feel freedom in their body and live a happy, healthy and pain free life while reducing strain on your body.

Sphere Therapeutix® helps to retrain the nervous system through the use of mild pressure and traction which creates space between muscle and bone. This technique aligns the bones first and then works the muscles from origin to insertion to reduce tension and hyper contraction in the muscles and fascia.

When you work with the body’s natural shock absorbers (the tarsal bones in the arches of the feet, the joints where the ribs meet the spine, the neck, the hips and the sacrum) and the ligaments which attach bone to bone, the energy moves more freely and the musculoskeletal system is reminded how to return back into alignment.

Traction is the use of a pulling force to treat muscle and skeletal disorders. Traction is usually applied to the arms and legs, the neck, the backbone, or the pelvis. It is used to treat fractures, dislocations, and long-duration muscle spasms, and to prevent or correct deformities. Traction can be used medically as a short-term solution at an accident scene or long-term, when used in a hospital setting. It can also be used as a treatment for chiropractic or in bodywork to take pressure off of the spine.

Get In Touch Education teaches Injury Prevention for Massage Therapists through home study and live seminars. Preventing Injury is the key to a long and healthy career.


Stay healthy!



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