

Yoga can help Low Back Pain. There are many yoga stretches and exercises you can do to relieve pain and tightness in the low back. It is also important to stabilize the lumbar spine by activating the inner corset muscles.

The transverse abdominis muscle acts to stabilize the low back and core muscles. It is one of the main core stabilizing muscles of the lumbar spine. A weak transverse abdominis can often lead to low back pain. Remember that the transverse abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle and lies between the ribs and the pelvis, and its fiber direction moves horizontally from front to back. When this muscle is activated, it creates stabilization for the lumbar spine. If the transverse abdominis is weak, it can cause instability of the spine and contribute to lordosis.
Here is a stabilizing exercise you can perform to help stabilize the spine.


How to Perform this exercise:

Come to an all fours position and bring your knees and hands shoulder width apart. Engage the TA and press your hands and left shin into floor as you slowly slide your right knee out behind you with the knee straight. Sustain the TA contraction and breathe steadily. Keep your right leg in line with your trunk. Make imprints in the carpet with hand and shin to keep in balance and broaden your collarbones to open your chest. Keep your neck in line with the spine and your eyes gazing 12 inches in front of you.Slowly lower the leg to the starting position while sustaining the TA contraction. Repeat on the other side. When the leg lifts easily then lift the opposite arm. Check in with yourself and make sure that you have steady lower rib breathing, your pelvic floor is open, the TA is engaged, the chest is open, and the shoulders are drawing down and toward spine. Perform 3 reps at least once a day.



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