Alignment of your body is crucial when it comes to performing bodywork. Keep a straight line from your hands to your feet to apply pressure …
Health Tips
Massage Therapist Pay Attention to Your Wrists
Protect Your Wrists Bring attentiveness to the position of your wrists and keep the wrists in a neutral position to avoid hyperextension and radial or …

Massage Therapists Need to Train Like Athletes
Think of yourself as a massage athlete. Manual therapy demands skill, strength, and endurance, just like a track and field runner or baseball player. The …
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers®
Why learn Personal Body Maintenance? As a Massage Therapist you have to think of yourself as an athlete and train your body so it can …
Prevent Physical Burnout
In my years as a Massage Therapist, I have learned more about myself by helping other people. I have also learned that I have to …