
Finger FlexorFinger Flexor Stretch

 Put your left arm out in front of you with the elbow bent. Place your left palm up and grasp the index finger with your other hand. Stretch each finger toward your body and then switch to the other hand.

 Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds.

Finger ExtensorFinger Extensor Stretch

 Put your left arm out in front of you with the elbow bent. Place your left palm down and grasp the index finger with your other hand.  Stretch each finger toward your body and then switch to the other hand.

Spend 20 minutes each day to warm up and stretch your muscles prior to performing bodywork. Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworker Techniques can help prevent RSI.  Massage Therapy Continuing Education is important in preventing injuries. Check out Yoga for Bodyworkers course and DVD to help you stay healthy.


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